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Sunday | October 27th Via Zoom

Empowering New York State Pharmacists to Navigate OTC birth control and
dispensing self-administered hormonal contraception (3 Contact Hours) #

Title :Empowering New York State Pharmacists to Navigate OTC birth control and
dispensing self-administered hormonal contraception (3 Contact Hours)
Professor Fernando Gonzalez Assistant Professor Pharmaceutical Sciences LIU
Dr. Eleana Quattrocchi RPh. Associate Clinical Professor Pharmacy Practice LIU
1. Recognize the different menstrual cycle phases and hormone functions
2. Describe and differentiate the different hormonal contraceptive options
3. Implement the proper use of hormonal contraceptives
4. Recognize and mitigate adverse effects, precautions, and contraindications for
hormonal contraceptives
5. Select and describe the suitable contraceptive options based on individual cases
6. Discuss key counseling points to provide to patients taking hormonal contraceptives
7. Apply state-specific requirements for prescribing and dispensing hormonal
contraceptive options

Risk Rewritten: Gender Takes a Backseat in the New CHA2DS2-VASc (1 Contact
Hour) # 0043-0000-24-008-H99-P
Title: Risk Rewritten: Gender Takes a Backseat in the New CHA2DS2-VASc
(1 Contact Hour)
Ghania Naeem, PharmD, BCPS
Assistant Professor – Department of Clinical & Administrative Sciences
Notre Dame of Maryland University School of Pharmacy
1. Discuss the background information and evidence-based recommendations for
management of atrial fibrillation according to the American College of Cardiology
(ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) guidelines.
2. Discuss the CHA2DS2-VASc scoring criteria and its application in the
management of atrial fibrillation.

3. Evaluate the European Society of Cardiology’s (ESC) 2024 update on a gender-
neutral approach in stroke risk stratification using an updated CHA2DS2-

VASc and determine if the ACC/AHA guidelines also ought to implement this
change to CHA2DS2-VASc.
4. Apply evidence-based literature findings to make recommendations for patient

Global Medicine Up-date Medications and Vaccine (2023-2024) (1 Contact Hour)
# 0043-0000-24-009-H06-P
Title: Global Medicine Up-date Medications and Vaccine (2023-2024) (1 Contact Hour)
Arzu Moosvi Pharm.D
1. Identify disease state common in low-and-middle class income countries (LMIC)
2. Identify signs/symptoms and preventable measures of mpox
3. Identify signs/symptoms and preventable measures of Malaria
4. Evaluate antimicrobial resistance globally and recent additions to the antibiotic market

Antiretrovirals update: Navigating the New Era of HIV treatment (1 Contact
Hour) # 0043-0000-24-010-H02-P
Title: Antiretrovirals update: Navigating the New Era of HIV treatment
(1 Contact Hour)
Mei Chang Pharm.D
Clinical Pharmacist Albert Einstein College of Medicine
1. Determine if Antiviral regimen is complete
2. Identify clinically significant drug-drug interactions between antiretrovirals and
commonly prescribed medications
3. Recognize opportunities of for antiretroviral stewardship during transition of care
4. List some free resources available for HIV education

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